I am first and foremost a great decision maker: I strive to make things happen. I accomplish this after gaining deep insight into your data and processes, then defining which steps need to be taken to achieve your goals.


    What you see is what you get! I do not hide behind words. I make no false promises and deliver on full transparency.


    With over 10 years of Revenue Management experience I developed a strong analytical skill set. With these skills I can help to solve a company's challenges and improve its overall productivity and success.


    I believe in making a connection with you and the company first, before talking about results.

  • OPEN.

    Open communication is what I believe in.

“I want to connect with hotels and help improve short- and long-term strategies, and by doing that, increase profit margins and net earnings.”
“I want to simplify Revenue Management and show that it is not only a ‘hotel’ terminology but should be an important part of every revenue-oriented company.”


I believe that what is important are the insights I can give you into your company data and then setting the right strategy for improvement.
By creating and implementing diverse optimization tools & powerful dashboards I will help improve your sales results and lower unnecessary distribution costs. All custom made to fit the needs of your company. I will use systems that are already in place and can advise on how to best use them or advise on what systems are needed.

Company Scan

Insight in the data of any company is essential to optimize revenue streams and increase the net profits.

After I have made a thorough company scan I will create powerful dashboards to show you how the company is really doing, but more importantly, I show you how to grow.

The company scan includes insights into powerful KPI's such as your clients, leadtime, seasonality, price, costs, etc. Together with you we determine goals and create a strategic plan to increase your results.

Revenue Management Training & Coaching

Whether you have a need for one-on-one coaching or training, or you want to improve the shared culture in your company as it relates to managing revenue streams and results , I can help.

I have 2 trainings available to help your employees implement revenue management tactics in their day to day job right away.

By bringing a culture of Revenue Management into your hotel, I encourage different departments to work together in order to drive the results.


Dashboard and Strategic Plan

After we have created insights into the performance of the company with you I will look at your data needs.

Do you need daily insights? Or is weekly / monthly enough? Can you create them yourself, or do you need assistance?

I will help you to organize the data in clear, user friendly dashboards, for you to always have access to them.


Revenue Management Hotel

With over 10 years of experience as Revenue Manager I know how to run the Revenue Management department of a hotel. What can I do?
- RM on demand
- Recruitment
- Interim RM
- Hotel opening

Ask me for all my possibilities!



Introduction to RM

Start with the online training in which I will share the basics that are essential for the right strategic decisions. After the training you will have access to the right Tips & Tools to start right away with introducing Revenue Management withing your organization.

To create general Revenue Management Awareness
Effect of Revenue Management on Hotels
Basic KPI Calculations
Quick tools to get you started
Online - 3 hours
All Employees
EUR 199 per attendee


Advanced RM

Ready for the next step? Then join my 2 days on site course. During two interactive days we will work on real-live revenue cases which will help you answering more complex issues. After this you are ready to take actions within you hotel which will help you to positively influence the bottom line results.

Develope Advanced Revenue Management Skills
Quick introduction to Revenue Management
Analyse your Hotel
How to set up your short and long term strategy
Revenue Management awareness within your hotel
Monitor your strategy
Evaluate and Adjust
2 days on site ( Apollo Hotel Vinkeveen)
RM's, HOD's & GM's.
EUR 999 per attendee

Contact me for dates and availability!



10 years ago I became a revenue manager and I have loved every minute. Now it is time to take the next step in my career. As Revenue Management is part of me, I decided the next step would be to not only bring good revenue management to more hotels, but also to companies outside the hotel sector.
Gathering data, analyzing these numbers, linking this to the right strategy and, most importantly, talking about this with different stakeholders and convincing them which direction would be the best. That is why I started Revenue Management Works. I want to connect with various companies and help them to improve their short- and long-term strategies, and by doing that, increase profit margins and net earnings.
Together with you  I want to simplify revenue management and show that it is not only a ‘hotel’ terminology but should be an important part of every revenue oriented company

We hebben Mariska leren kennen als een uiterst prettige , bekwame, pragmatische persoonlijkheid. Zij heeft de kracht om theorie begrijpelijk over te brengen zodat medewerkers met verschillende achtergronden en kennis haar ook begrijpen en in de praktijk kunnen toepassen. Door haar revenue achtergrond en excell kennis is zij bij ons in staat geweest tijdrovende rapportages om te zetten in effectieve tools die de data input versnellen.Waardoor we meer tijd hebben voor analyses. Hierbij is ook de hele revenue journey meegenomen. Zodat het algehele process in kaart is gebracht. De systemen op de juiste manier zijn ingericht. Zodat alle revenue managers op de zelfde manier kunnen werken. Tevens heeft ze meegeholpen aan de restructuring van zowel de revenue afdeling als ons Booking Office. Welke naast proces verandering ook bestond uit begeleiding en ontwikkeling van de medewerkers. Ik kan Mariska van harte aanbevelen!

Caroline Hohmann
Director of Revenue Apollo Hotels

Revenue Management Works Vanuit mijn vorige rol als Head of M&E kampte ik met het probleem dat ik niet duidelijk inzichtelijk kreeg wat de forecast cijfers per hotel waren. Verschillende systemen, verschillende werkwijze van oudsher en daarmee verschillende rapport stijlen. Met het vernieuwen en optimaliseren van de organisatie werd het ook steeds belangrijker om M&E cijfers duidelijker inzichtelijk te krijgen op een unanieme manier. Mariska heeft daarom een M&E forecast tool gebouwd waarmee we de huidige cijfers met Same Time Last Year en met Last Week kunnen vergelijken die bruikbaar is voor alle hotels. Tevens kunnen we op deze manier per segment en per status beter inzichtelijk krijgen wat er speelt. Lopen we on track of juist achter of voor en door welke groepen of segmenten komt dat dan eventueel? De communicatie met Mariska is prettig geweest. Door allerlei omstandigheden is het project over een lange tijd gerekt geweest, maar dat heeft vanuit RMW het proces niet in de weg gestaan. Ze pakten telkens op waar we waren gebleven en checkten de situatie opnieuw op haalbaarheid. Mariska heeft een groot analytisch inzicht én veel kennis van zaken waardoor zeker voor Revenue doeleinden zij een goede toevoeging kan zijn aan een team of bedrijf.

Céline van Someren

RMW has helped us to re-structure our Amsterdam – revenue department by providing us with various revenue-tools and efficient reports. Via better visibility on the various channels and through on- the- job- trainings (both online as offline), our Revenue- and Reservations departments are now even more ready to come out of this difficult COVID period successfully. Thank you Mariska for your great support, we will miss having you around!

Vincent van Mil
Director of Revenue and Distribution Eden Hotels

Ik kan terugkijken op een fijne samenwerking met Revenuemanagementworks, in Mariska vonden we een goede revenu professional die snel tot de kern van de zaak doordrongen en ons heeft geholpen om ons revenu beleid verder te professionaliseren en te ontwikkelen. Middels praktische hands on procedures, het tegen het licht houden van huidige werkwijzen en met een herziene revenu strategie, heeft ze niet alleen de medewerkers op de afdeling een nieuwe manier van werken getraind maar heeft ze ook op strategisch vlak een nieuwe koers ontwikkeld. Dit tezamen met haar flexibele manier van werken, maakt dat ik Revenuemanagementworks van harte kan aanbevelen en uitkijk naar een herziene samenwerking in de toekomst.

Rob Hemmes
General Manager Eden Hotel Amsterdam


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